Clay Tract - Hunting Area for Disabled and Special Need Hunters

Cost per Day



The Clay Tract consists of three separate tracks, including the Dragon Bridge, Jackson, and Clay tracts. They were acquired by the MP-PAA in 2005 through the Coastal Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP) which is a NOAA federal grant award.  Collectively, these three parcels are managed as a single 400 acre holding.  The majority of the property is mixed hardwoods, but there is a field that offers great feeding grounds to deer, turkey, quail, and a variety of other animals. 

A portion of this property is available for hunters with disabilities and special needs. To make a hunting reservation please call the MPPDC secretary, Dawn Mantell, at 804-785-8100. Please note that the hunting area will be open on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday; Disabled hunters may also make hunting reservations on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, however other hutning groups may be using the property at the same time. Again, please call the MPPDC secretary, Dawn Mantell, at 804-785-8100. to make a reservation.  Only two consecutive days can be reserved per week. The hunter must have a DMV issued place card number or some other official documentation that shows a handicap designation. This number will be required at the time of reservation. The reservation is good for the entire area for the day. Finally, the hunting party can be as small as one or the party can be up to 4 people with disabilities and 4 support partners, for a total of 8 hunters. All eight are eligible to hunt the area. 

This area is a general description and is limited to the first ½ mile drive-in distance.  Both sides of the road are open for hunting. 

Minimum Day per Reservation: 1
Maximum Day per Reservation: 2

  • Big Game/Small Game Hunting
  • Bird Watching (Stations, Blinds, Trails)
  • Boat Launch- car top/kayak
  • Free Parking
  • Nature Trails
  • Primitive Camping Group Sites
  • Self Parking
  • Waterfowl Hunting


On Route 610 in King and Queen County, it abuts the Dragon Run.


Driving Directions for the MPPDC in Saluda:

    • From Gloucester Proceed on US-17 N to Rt. 602 (Wares Bridge Road) in Middlesex County (or from Tappahannock US-17 south)
    • Turn LEFT at Wares Church onto Rt. 602 (Wares Bridge Road) or turn right onto Rt 602 from Tappahannock.
    • Cross Wares Bridge into King & Queen County. 
    • Proceed 1/3 of a mile.  There is a gate on the left with a tree splitting the entry road.  Open gate and follow the logging road for 1/3 of a mile.  If you desire to use the nature viewing platform, you will need to take a left off the logging road and proceed about 300 yds to the entry point.



Note: click on any image below to enlarge.


Numbers inside parenthesis indicate the number of available spaces.

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As a visitor of lands managed by the MP-PAA, the following rules are designed to protect the land the natural environment, to ensure the health and safety of visitors, and promote pleasant and rewarding outdoor experiences for all visitors. State Conservation Officers are empowered to enforce state regulations that some of these rules are taken from.

Please remember to be careful! Each MP-PAA tract has its own set of rules.


Management Plans and MP-PAA Policy

  • The MP-PAA develops a variety of management plans for use and conservation purposes. Management Plans are available for viewing at The MP-PA Board of Directors may and at any time amend plans or develop new policy. It is the responsibility of the MP-PAA user to make an honest attempt to understand the rule and management practices of the MP-PAA.


Day Use and Camping

  • As a general rule, MP-PAA lands are open from dawn to dusk for public use. Some MP-PAA AA lands are managed as limited access. MP-PAA lands are used by a variety of user groups and as such the reasonability of co-using lands rests with the pubic using the site. Please be courteous of other MP-PAA users. During hunting seasons, some MP-PAA lands are open for public hunting.
  • As a general rule, camping is not permitted on lands managed by the MP-PAA; however there are special exceptions. Please contact MP-PAA land manager to discuss.
  • If special permission is granted for camping, camp only in those places specifically marked or provided. 
  • At least one person must occupy a camping area during the first night after camping equipment has been set up, unless permission has otherwise been granted by the MP-PAA land manager.
  • Do not leave camping equipment unattended on MP-PAA lands for more than 24 hours without permission from the MP-PAA land manager. The MP-PAA is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal property.
  • Use picnic sites, swimming beaches, and other day use areas only between the hours of sun up and sun down.
  • Recreation sites can be used only for recreation purposes.
  • Remove all personal property and trash when leaving.


Good Neighbor Relations

  • Property lines are not always marked and forest property owners – federal, state and private – are often intermingled. Each visitor is responsible for knowing where they are and are complying with the landowner’s rules and restrictions.


Ethics and Responsibility

  • The future of recreation, privileges on MP-PAA lands depend on how users behave in the field, and how they present themselves to others. Consider how your actions reflect on yourself and the outdoor recreation community in general.



  • Visitors may not be provided year round access. Users understand that access and use may be restricted or closed at various times and places by the MP-PAA; In order to minimize conflict between recreation users, seasonal restrictions may be placed on certain uses in certain areas. Public use is allowed during daylight hours only. No nighttime activities are allowed without specific authorization.


Operation of Vehicles

  • As a general rule, motorized vehicles are not permitted on land managed by the MP-PAA. The intention is to keep MP-PAA lands natural. Please park in designated parking areas.
  • If motorized vehicles are allowed, please utilize designed roads.
  • ATVs are not permitted on MP-PAA lands.
  • When operating any king of vehicle, do not damage the land and vegetation, or disturb wildlife. If possible, avoid unpaved roads or trails when they are wet or muddy.
  • Non-motorized off road bikes are permissible.
  • Do not block, restrict or interfere with the use of roads, trails or gates.


Roads and Gates

  • Under certain terms and conditions, motor vehicles use of roads will be restricted to those roads open to public use. Visitors must comply with all posted signs and all gates and roads must be kept clear at all times and passable for MP-PAA staff. Do not park in front of gates or in roads.
  • Some roads may be closed during specific times of the year for the safety of visitors.
  • Violations of road closures can be cause for termination of access privileges.  


Hunting Rules

No person shall hunt or enter designated management areas without registering with the Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority.

Hunters must possess a valid Virginia Hunting License.

Hunters must hunt in selected zone.

Hunters must comply with all Virginia and Federal game codes.

No private permanent tree stands are permitted. It is illegal to use devices that pierce or puncture the bark of trees.

Hunters must park their vehicle.

Vegetation should not be cut, broken or removed for any reason.

Private portable stands must be removed when the hunter leaves the area for the day.

Boundaries of designated hunting areas are provided for general information only. It is the hunter's responsibility to recognize and respect boundaries.

No ATV's are allowed within the hunting areas

Hunting is allowed on Sundays under the following circumstances:

  1. Any landowner or member of his family or any person with written permission from the landowner may hunt on the landowner’s property on Sunday, except within 200 yards of a place of worship or any accessory structure thereof.
  2. Hunting for waterfowl (ducks, coot, geese, brant, and swan) and rails (including gallinules and moorhens) is allowed on Sundays (on private lands and on public lands as permitted by the landowner) subject to geographical limitations established by the Director of the Department and except within 200 yards of a house of worship or any accessory structure thereof.
  3. Hunting is permitted on licensed hunting (shooting) preserves.
  4. Raccoons may be hunted on Sunday.


Treestand Safety Rules

  • Use a Treestand Manufacture’s Association (TMA) certified treestand.
  • Read and understand all instructions and warnings.
  • Practice and familiarize yourself with the treestand at ground level before risking a higher position.
  • Always use the appropriate TMA approved full body harness and climbing belt when climbing, descending, sitting or standing.
  • Keep the fall restraint tether short in case of a fall.
  • Never climb with a weapon or equipment in your possession. Always use a pull-up rope to raise or lower your unloaded weapon and equipment.
  • Inspect equipment thoroughly before each use to ensure that all parts are working properly. Use only manufacture-approved replacement parts.
  • Never modify or remove parts from your treestand or safety device.
  • Select only suitable trees. Avoid dead trees or those with loose bark.
  • Use extra caution if high wind, lightning, ice, snow, wet, dark or low light conditions exist.
  • Never sleep in a treestand or use a treestand if you are drowsy.
  • Never use a treestand under the influence of medications, alcohol, drugs or if you have a medical or physical condition that would impair your ability for safe use.
  • Do not lend equipment to others unless they have read and understand all warnings and usage instructions.
  • Tell a reliable person where you will be and when you will return.
  • In the event of a fall, carry survival gear including a whistle.
  • As a precautionary measure remove logs, rocks, equipment and other obstructions from below the tree you are hunting in.
  • Never leave your treestand, steps, or other equipment out all year around.


MP-PAA Youth Hunting Policy (Enacted December 14, 2012)

  1. Hunters must follow all VDGIF and Local regulations
  2. Hunters must follow all PAA rules and regulations
  3. Adult is defined as age 16 or older
  4. Youth is defined as age 0-15 (fee exempt)
  5. To hunt on lands owned by the PAA: (a.) The adult must be registered and be in good standing with the PAA; (b.)  The youth does not have to register and must hunt with a registered adult; and (c.)  The youth must stay with the adult at all times
  6. No youth may hunt PAA lands without a “registered/in good standing” adult


VDGIF Regulations and Youth Hunting Days 

(Below are the 2012 VDGIF Regulations.  Hunters are responsible for researching and following current regulations.)

 a.   Mandatory Hunter Education Requirement

Hunter Education courses provide instruction in hunter safety, principles of conservation, and sportsmanship. The courses are usually ten hours in length and cover many topics preparing new hunters to enjoy their experience in the outdoors. Courses are offered free of charge throughout the Commonwealth. A list of courses is available online, or you may contact one of the Department's regional offices.

For information about obtaining a replacement certificate, see the "Replacement Cards" section of the Hunter Education pageNote: Older records may not be available. A replacement card cannot be issued if there is no record of a completed class.

Virginia accepts and recognizes all states' and countries' hunting licenses and hunter education credentials for the purpose of complying with mandatory hunter education requirements. These may be in the form of an identification card or certificate.

You must complete an approved hunter education course and carry your certificate while hunting if either of the following apply:

·   You are 12–15 years of age. (You must complete hunter education but you do not have to carry your certificate if accompanied and properly supervised by a licensed adult.)

·   You are at least 16 years of age and you are hunting with your first hunting license.

·   Although it is recommended for all hunters, you are not required to complete hunter education if:     

- You only hunt foxes with hounds while on horseback, but without firearms.

- You are exempt from the requirement to purchase a license.


·   You are hunting with an apprentice license. In that case you must be accompanied and directly supervised by an adult over the age of 18 who has, on his person, a valid Virginia hunting license. "Accompanied and directly supervised" means the adult maintains close visual and verbal contact with, provides adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm from the apprentice hunter. The apprentice hunting license cannot be used as proof of holding a previous hunting license, for the purposes of purchasing a hunting license without proof of hunter education.

·   You are under the age of 12. However, you may not hunt unless accompanied and directly supervised by a licensed adult.

·   Any person 16 years of age or older may certify that he or she has held a previously issued hunting license by signing the front of the license.

b.    Youth Deer Hunting Day

Deer hunters 15 years of age and under, when in compliance with all applicable laws and license requirements, may hunt deer when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who has a valid Virginia hunting license on his person or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license.

Deer of either sex may be taken.

Antlerless deer taken on the youth deer hunting day are in addition to an antlerless deer taken under the special youth antlerless deer regulation and on either-sex deer hunting days. For example, if a youth deer hunter kills an antlerless deer on the youth deer hunting day, he or she may still take an antlerless deer under the special youth antlerless deer regulation and take antlerless deer on designated either-sex deer hunting days.

Adult hunters accompanying youth deer hunters may not carry or discharge firearms.

Blaze orange requirements and exceptions for firearms deer season are in effect (see General Hunting Regulations).

Deer hunting with dogs is prohibited, except that tracking dogs are allowed (see Hunting with Dogs).

c.   Youth Fall Turkey Hunt Day

Hunting hours are from ½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset.

Youth hunters (resident or nonresident) must be 15 years of age or younger to participate.

Youth hunters between the age of 12 and 15 must have appropriate valid hunting licenses. Resident hunters under the age of 12 are not required to have a license, but they must be accompanied by a licensed adult.

All youth must be accompanied and directly supervised and within sight of an adult. Adult hunters accompanying youth must possess a valid Virginia hunting license (or be exempt from purchasing a hunting license); may assist with calling; and shall not carry or discharge a firearm.

d.   Youth Waterfowl Hunting

Youth 15 years and younger may harvest the allowed daily bag limit of ducks (as specified above), coots, mergansers, gallinules, moorhens, 2 Canada geese (except in Canada Goose Zones where the bag limit is higher, see page 14) and 1 tundra swan (if the youth possesses a tundra swan permit) on the designated youth waterfowl hunting days. Youth 12 years of age and older will need a valid Virginia state hunting license. All participating youth must be HIP registered and accompanied by a licensed adult at least 18 years of age or older. The accompanying adult may only hunt for those species for which there is an open season on these dates.

 e.   Youth Spring Turkey Hunt Day

One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.

Bag limit is one per day, bearded birds only.

Youth hunters (resident or nonresident) must be 15 years of age or younger to participate.

Resident hunters under the age of 12 are not required to have a license, but they must be accompanied by a licensed adult. Non-resident youth must have license regardless of age.


All youth must be accompanied and directly supervised and within sight of an adult. Adult hunters accompanying youth must possess a valid Virginia hunting license (or be exempt from purchasing a hunting license); may assist with calling; and shall not carry or discharge a firearm.


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